4 competencies for nurturing capacity for appreciation

-Taken from the book, Engage! by Sunil Maheshwari

The scientific world view that dominated the minds and intellects of the twentieth century effectively discouraged people from taking cognizance of all those deep inner experiences from which human societies had historically obtained their ultimate sense of purpose and guiding values.

The traditional scientific paradigm neglected the exploration of the higher human aspirations and ideologies that could help people to navigate the course of their lives. As a result, the cosmos described by materialistic science became bereft of a larger sense of meaning and the nobility of purpose.

On the other hand, any endeavour to develop one’s appreciative capacity inevitably awakens the desire to inquire beyond superficial appearances into the deeper, life-enhancing essentials. The phenomenon of appreciation is then found to be a function of how people identify their own self in the first place, and thereafter how they look upon the external object in relation to themselves.

Appreciative individuals possess an expansive consciousness. They look beyond narrow ‘personal’ concerns and see all as one as well as oneself in all.

These individuals possess the following competencies:

Affirmative competence:
The ability to identify positive possibilities by focusing upon successes and strengths, without being dismissive of existing imperfections.

Expansive competence:
The ability to challenge the existing organizational thinking and practices in order to stretch the capability of its people.

Generative competence:

The ability to create integrative systems that allow people to see the consequences of their actions and to recognize them when they make meaningful contributions.

Collaborative competence:
The ability to create spaces and forums, wherein people can freely engage in dialogue and exchange diverse perspectives.
