Cultural Similarities and Variations in the Conceptions of Happiness and Unhappiness: A Comparison Between Italy and Honduras
Psychology and Developing Societies
Investigating how individuals define and conceptualise
psychological states is effective for gaining information on the cultural
models that affect ordinary people’s everyday life (Bruner, 1990). This especially holds when considering folk theories
of psychological concepts that include ethical and moral content, as in the
case of happiness. As Lu and Gilmour noted ‘culture can be a major force constructing
the conception of happiness and consequently shaping its subjective
experiences. In particular, members of different cultures may hold diverse
views of happiness, covering definitions, nature, meaning and ways to strive
for subjective well-being’. In other words, it is arguable that the ‘cultural
construal of happiness’ has an effect on how ordinary people both conceptualise
and pursue their positive experiences. In the present article, we focus on the
relationship between culture and the ways both happiness and unhappiness are
Although empirical research on the folk psychology of
happiness is still lacking, the number of cultural studies devoted to this
topic has gradually increased since the inception of positive psychology. In
fact, researchers have collected data from various countries across the world,
including the USA, Canada, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, India, China,
Japan, Australia, New Zealand and a handful of nations from Europe and Latin
Most of the studies cited earlier endorse a
cross-national approach, contrasting countries which are very different from a
cultural, economic and political standpoint. Overall, the results from these
studies revealed that participants from all the five continents linked their
idea of happiness to key aspects of their life. These included having
harmonious relationships with other people (especially family members and
friends), experiencing positive emotions and feelings, and being healthy.
Along with these cross-national commonalities,
participants’ conceptions of happiness were also found to vary according to the
cultural orientation of their society. Participants living in individualistic
countries attributed greater importance to self-actualisation, personal success
and hedonic activities. On the other hand, participants from collectivistic
cultures assigned greater importance to social support networks and, in a few
cases, to the political situation of their country.
According to various scholars, differences in the
conceptions of happiness between individualistic and collectivistic countries
are grounded in historically rooted ideologies, religious attitudes, ethical
norms and social practices. All these factors interact in a complex way in
people’s daily lives. Isolating their distinctive effects can therefore be
quite difficult for happiness researchers.
Some intriguing findings emerged from the analysis of the
salience scores associated with the various happiness and unhappiness sources
which were mentioned by the participants in both cultural groups. Overall, the
Honduran conceptions of happiness and unhappiness only partially reflected the
collectivistic orientation of the Honduran society. With regard to the happiness
concept, the Honduran participants placed more emphasis on family,
success, hobbies and interests, and pleasant events than their
Italian counterparts. In a similar vein, family problems, failure, money
problems and unpleasant events were considered as more salient
unhappiness sources among the Hondurans than the Italians. Interestingly, the
analysis of citation frequency of happiness sources also revealed that 31.4% of
the Honduran sample incorporated faith into their happiness
conceptions. However, only 1% of the Italian sample mentioned this source. Read
the complete article published in Volume 33, Issue 2, 2021.
التنظيف الدوري للمنزل وعدم إهماله يُساعد على إبقاء رائِحة المنزل عَطِرةً. استخدام الزيوت العِطرية كحلٍ مُؤقت للتخلص من الروائح. المُحافظة على نظافة المطبخ فهو من أكثر الأماكن تأثيراً على رائِحة المنزل. التخلص من القُمامة بشكلٍ يومي، وتنظيف سلة المُهملات دائماً، واستخدام أكياس النُفايات المُكونة من المواد التي تعمل على تقليل الروائح. الاهتمام بِنظافة الحيوانات الأليفة إذا كانت موجودة في البيت، وتنظيفها بشكلٍ دائم، وتنظيف الأماكن المُخصصة لها، وتنظيف المنزل من أي أوساخٍ تصدر عنها.
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تستند فكرة عمل مكيف الهواء الأساسية على المفهوم الكيميائي والذي يُدعى بدورات التبريد من داخل المنزل إلى خارجه وهكذا في عملية امتصاص وطرد للحرارة خارج البيت، ويبين السيد جلين هوراهان النائب الأول لرئيس شركة المقاولات للتكييف الأمريكية أن غاز التبريد يخرج محملاً بالحرارة لتتم عملية تبريده ومن ثم معاودة دخوله للبيت للبدء بدورة تبريد جديدة
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