Addressing Sustainability in the Mining Industry Through Stakeholder Engagement

From South Asian Journal of Businessand Management Cases

Addressing the environmental, social and economic dimensions of sustainability can secure intergenerational equity. In the organizational context, Landrum describes sustainability as the contributions of a business towards sustainable development, consisting of government approaches and economic development policies interacting with the natural environment.

This research aims to answer the following research question: How can sustainability be enhanced through stakeholder engagement in the mining industry? To address this question, the analysis focusses on the stakeholder engagement of stakeholders in the case of the mining region. First, stakeholders are identified, and their sustainability interests and orientations towards the mining operations are analysed. Then, the focus shifts to analysing the stakeholder engagement.

The article is organized as follows: First, stakeholder engagement is discussed to provide a theoretical framework for the analysis. Then, the methodological choices, the case and the data selection are described. Subsequently, the findings are outlined, and the contributions to theory and practice are discussed.

The stakeholder groups were further divided into primary and secondary stakeholders. It should be noted that there are several ways to categorize stakeholders to better analyse stakeholder engagement. Here, stakeholders on whom the mining operations are dependent are considered primary stakeholders. The mining operations are not dependent on secondary stakeholders. Hence, a stakeholder may be secondary for the mining company from an operational perspective but may possess valuable knowledge about local sustainability matters and thus be an important stakeholder to engage with directly.

This study suggests that similar opportunities to enhance sustainability exist with both primary and secondary stakeholders if constructive stakeholder engagement is established. Constructive dialogue and collaboration are required, which may be easier to establish between the mining company and stakeholders who are not against the mining operations. Simply engaging with stakeholders in the mining industry is not sufficient for enhancing sustainability. Constructive stakeholder engagement is crucial for developing mutual understandings and striving towards sustainability.

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  1. This insightful blog delves into the intricate relationship between sustainability and stakeholder engagement in the mining industry. The systematic analysis of primary and secondary stakeholders highlights the importance of constructive dialogue for achieving shared sustainability goals. The emphasis on mutual understanding and collaboration underscores the significance of proactive engagement for positive environmental, social, and economic impacts. Kudos to the author for shedding light on the crucial role of stakeholder involvement in fostering sustainable practices within the mining sector.Accused Of Domestic Violence in New Jersey
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