
The “fallible” Data Science Discipline in times of the novel Pandemic

Trauma-Informed Care in the Childcare and Family Placement Process: Miracle Foundation’s Approach Within Alternative Care in India

Regulating Australia’s Participation in the Orphanage Industry

“Media Metrics” - the new buzzword in the glossary of Media Research

Why Do COVID-19 Fatality Rates Differ Across Countries? An Explorative Cross-country Study Based on Select Indicators

The Changing Dynamics and New Developments of China–Pakistan Relations

Don’t Spray and Pray: Find The Right Investor For Your Startup

Crisis Communication - Lessons from the current Covid -19 Emergency

'We're already too late; we don't want to become irrelevant.'

To Remain Indian or Become International: On the Positioning of Indian B-Schools

Carbon Emissions Embodied in India–United Kingdom Trade: A Case Study on North–South Debate

COVID-19 and International Business: A Viewpoint

Self-employed or Paid Employed: Who can Earn more among the Slum Dwellers and Why?